Why you need to hire an armed service guards??

Anthony Lockwood
3 min readSep 30, 2019


The main decisions in hiring security guards are to deciding armed security guards or unarmed security guards. Armed security guards have additional training when compare to unarmed guards. Unarmed security services are helping to keep people safe in public places such as schools, shopping malls, office buildings, etc. They are tasked with keeping each day running smoothly and safely.

While security guards are often compared to police officers and it is important to realize that there is a distinction between them. Both security guards and police officers are essential to public welfare in large and busy spaces. The main distinction is that police officers typically get involved after an incident has occurred. Now you are going to see the advantage of hiring the armed security officers for your business and their daily duties. Let’s see them,


Extremely successful people, powerful people, and high profile people are generally on the go. Being busy is part of success, that time people have very little privacy, especially for celebrities and high profile personalities. Generally, skilled security officers can help restore private lives for high profile people. They can keep nosy or overzealous people or paparazzi away, so you can go about your life.

Personal protection:

Unfortunately, nowadays peoples are live in a dangerous world and dangers don’t stop just out of the view of the protection of law enforcement officers. Usually, Armed Security Guards offer protection from all kinds of threads and can accompany you around the world if need be. They give you peace of mind and protection from any type of danger.

Protection of property and valuables:

Perhaps the oldest and purest form of security revolves around protecting money, valuable things, precious metals and other forms of property. Nowadays property needs to be protected from criminals, thieves, and people with bad intentions. Mostly more valuable property needs more protection. The armed security guard is the best way to protect these properties from the bad intension people.

Estate or business security:

Complexes, compounds, and homes or real estate with any value is generally target for criminals. Normally criminals look for an easy way to make money on homes; estate filled with valuables is an attractive potential victim. The presence of armed guards understands the nuances of estate protection can mean the difference between target and safe zone.

Protection of employees and loved ones:

If you don’t need any protection but you’re loved one may if you are successful. Your employee also needs protection if you get success in business.

Deter criminals and threats:

Having armed guards on-site can help deter criminals. Criminals are always looking for the easiest place that they can do the most damage and they know skilled security guards can derail their plans.

Daily duties of a security guard:

Depending on the type of residence or building you need to be protected. Security guards have a lot of duties and here are few things you will need to determine that your security guard will do:

· Patrol area like the front and back of the building, parking lot and inside of your business to ensure that there is no suspicious activity.

· Security guards may help to safely escort employees to their car when you are open late at night.

· Generally, security guards should be trained in dealing with serious emergencies such as medical issues, fire alarms or even bomb threats.

· They should have proper up to date firearm training and carry a firearm.

· The security guard should be personable and should greet employees and customers with a friendly relationship.

· They should able to enforce individual company policies such as weapon search policies and verifying guests.

Armed security guards have a responsibility for the firearms that they carry. The armed officer must use their weapons in the line of duty and with the precious people and place that they protect. So always be careful to choose the best-armed guards to help you at any time.



Anthony Lockwood

It's been 6 years since I have developed my passion for writing and I've been writing for various kinds of things. Hope you like my articles.