Importance of Security Guards during Pandemic?
This 2020 has been that year which nobody asked for, this year has been giving many people a hard time and it a long till we get rid of this. The reason we all know that COVID — 19 pandemic which is quite hard to process and this resulted in social distancing, lockdown, people working from home. That’s not the case for all as there are hospitals that are working effectively during the pandemic and they are for sure required to work as there are infected patients that require medical treatment.
So, now comes the question that what is the “Importance of Security Guards during Pandemic?”
Well Hospital needs security guards and here’s why:
1. Doctors need protection
In these times of panic doctors are at risk and they sure need protection from the criminals and thieves as there are many of them running around the cities just to hurt them and there are also prone to get kidnap as there are the only one who are in high demand during this crisis. If hospitals have security guards then that will add bonus as doctors will able to work stress free without any issue and patients will also going to be there and that way they can get well soon.
2. Medicine need to be look after for
There is a requirement for medicines specific for treating COVID — 19 and these medicines are some of malaria and other antibiotics but they are at major risk because there are people that are looking to steal that away because of demand and there’s not much available.
So as you can see that these are importances and the reason why Security Guards in California are required nowadays.